Stark Law is a set of laws that regulate how and under what circumstances physicians can make referrals. The starting point is the doctors cannot refer a patient to anyRead MoreWhat is Stark Law and how does it relate to the False Claims Act?
A Pharmacy, an Equity Firm, and Two Executives of the Pharmacy – Agree to Settle False Claims Act Allegations for $21.36 Million
The US Department of Justice reported on September 18, 2019 that a compounding pharmacy, Diabetic Care Rx LLC (Patient Care America), a private equity firm (Riordan, Lewis & Haden, Inc.)Read MoreA Pharmacy, an Equity Firm, and Two Executives of the Pharmacy – Agree to Settle False Claims Act Allegations for $21.36 Million
FCA Settlement Issues for Relators
Article for Immediate Release- Stephen Danz & Associates | FCA Settlement Issues for Relators Settlement of a Federal False Claims Act case (“FCA”) presents a number of interesting issues whenRead MoreFCA Settlement Issues for Relators
Whistleblower Discovery Rights: Avoid the Pitfalls and Secure Adequate Evidence
After a lawsuit is filed (and in many cases, before), you and your legal team should be creating a “to do” list of critical documents to demand from the defendantRead MoreWhistleblower Discovery Rights: Avoid the Pitfalls and Secure Adequate Evidence
Corporate Confidentiality Agreements Restrict Whistleblowing: Are they Legal?
KBR Corporation recently demanded that its employees not discuss pending investigations with outside parties such as government agencies or attorneys without consent of the company’s attorneys. At least one governmentRead MoreCorporate Confidentiality Agreements Restrict Whistleblowing: Are they Legal?
Whistle blower protection not limited to first person reporting violations
Whistle blower protection not limited to first person reporting violations In Hager vs County of Los Angeles, the issue was whether a subsequent reporter of illegal conduct could in factRead MoreWhistle blower protection not limited to first person reporting violations