This week, the highest court in the land sided with whistleblowers and ruled that breaches to the confidentiality (or seal) of a case brought under the False Claims Act (“FCA”)Read MoreSupreme Court Decision is a Major Victory for Whistleblowers
Do You Have A Whistleblower Claim? Part 2
In our last blog post we discussed who is a whistleblower and how one can file a lawsuit to recover damages from a wrongdoer on behalf of the U.S. government.Read MoreDo You Have A Whistleblower Claim? Part 2
Do you have a whistleblower claim?
Let’s suppose you are a good employee. Then you complain to your manager that you discovered that your company has been fraudulently billing the government millions of dollars for services itRead MoreDo you have a whistleblower claim?
Is Your Whistleblower Case a Slam Dunk? Include Specifics (Pt. 2)
Any whistleblower who plans on bringing a False Claims Act (aka Qui Tam) law suit should understand that his or her state also has its own False Claims Act statute.Read MoreIs Your Whistleblower Case a Slam Dunk? Include Specifics (Pt. 2)